
Hello readers! I needed a quick break from my usual animal skulls and flowers. I decided to paint my favorite animal, manatees!

Florida Manatees, acrylic on board, 14 x 11″ 2022

I’ve always been fascinated by manatees, or “sea cows.” They are gentle, shy herbivores, mammals who spend most of their time grazing on sea vegetables. Their vision is limited, so they have evolved sensitive whiskers to help them navigate. Their flippers have a similar bone structure as a human hand, helping them hold food similar to an elephant’s trunk. Their tails are large, flat paddles.

Manatees are endangered, they have started to die off in record numbers because of famine. Poor water quality in their natural habitat is killing the seagrass that is a major part of the manatees’ diet. That being said, if you see a wild manatee, don’t interact with them or try to feed them.

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